Course Syllabus

Days 1 & 3 Bonnie Low-Kramen
Day 2 Vickie Sokol Evans, MCT

Day 1
    • Goals for Class
    • Overview of Our Profession in 2024
    • Global Trends in the New Hybrid/Remote Workplace
    • Skills & Qualities Needed for the Work
    • Networking & Mentoring
    • Organization, Assistant Handbook & Checklists
    • Resources for Assistants
    • Travel Planning
    • Event Planning
Day 2
    • MS Office Technology
    • Cyber Security
    • Artificial Intelligence & ChatGPT
    • Social Media
Day 3
    • Ethics & Confidentiality
    • Group Exercise - Creative Problem-Solving
    • 2-Minute Lessons
    • Verbal – Public Speaking (2-Minute Lessons)
    • Unspoken - Body Language
    • Gender, Ethnic & Generational Issues in the Workplace
    • Allyship & DEI – Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in the Workplace
    • Dealing with Difficult People & Situations
    • DiSC Assessment Discussion (Bring report to class)
    • Career Management

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